Welcome to APVRS 2023!
Welcome Message from the Congress Presidents
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We write with great pleasure to invite you to the 16th Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society (APVRS) Congress in Hong Kong, from December 8 – 10, 2023.
Dedicated to advancing the frontiers of vitreo-retina in the Asia-Pacific region, the annual APVRS Congress provides a platform for vitreo-retinal specialists to meet and keep abreast of the latest developments in the field.
With the end of the pandemic in sight, delegates can now return to face-to-face setting at the 16th APVRS Congress, which allows delegates to reconnect, build new networks and establish collaborations and friendships on-site and in person.
Hong Kong, the Asia’s World City does have a lot to offer, from the magnificent skyline of Victoria Harbour to spectacular international cuisines, shopping paradise, world-class theme parks to colonial architecture, street art and galleries to nightlife districts and more!
We look forward earnestly to welcoming you in person in Hong Kong!
Warmest personal regards,

Congress Presidents, 16th APVRS Congress